Friday, January 8, 2010

Why We Coupon: Part 4

When I left off last time, I was explaining how I learned about Coupon Mom and her site. 

Because I was new to couponing, I had no idea what "V", "SS", 10/8, $1/1 and all that meant...It was like a foreign language.  So I jumped into the blogosphere with both feet and never looked back.  I Google searched site after site for couponing and coupon match ups.  I learned what stockpiling was, and why I should have one.  I learned about coupon organization, what worked and what didn't.  I learned that Publix and Kroger were my best friends and I just hadn't been properly introduced to them.  I also learned that CVS and Walgreens were my next best friends and we are still working on our relationship.  I learned that when the store says FREE it really means FREE.  I learned that I needed to be open-minded about toilet paper and shampoo and not have brand loyalty to one particular brand.  I learned that buying National brands were cheaper than buying the store brand (most of the time).  I learned that I could be creative with our meal planning and actually create a meal plan (something I had never done before).  I learned being a considerate couponer is loving and rewarding.  I finally learned what all the coupon lingo meant.  And last but definitely not least my new motto was "Why pay for something at full price when I can get it for free or cheap when it's on sale."  I still live by this motto.  It works for me and my family but it might not work for you and yours.  

Learning to coupon properly has been life changing.  And since I learned how to do it properly, I felt like I needed to help others do the same.  It took me well over a year to figure it out, but I didn't think it should take others that long and that's when I started teaching coupon workshops.  If I can go from spending $150 a week on groceries to about $75 a week, anybody can do it, they just need the know-how.  And that's why I changed the direction of this blog and that's why we coupon.

There are so many friends who do not live nearby and are not able to attend a coupon workshop.  Because I want to help as many people as possible, I've decided to share a "virtual coupon workshop" over the next few weeks.  As much as I'd love to video blog it, my camera is broken currently.  Maybe that is something we can add later on.  

My goal is to help you save at least 50% of your grocery bill over a 6 month period.  You might be able to reach that goal in the first week, but it's more reasonable to consider a 6 month period.  

Every Monday I'll be sharing with you:
  1. What is Stockpiling and Why Should I Stockpile?
  2. Easy Coupon Tips
  3. How to Organize Your Coupons Being a Considerate Couponer
  4. Reputable Coupon Sites  How to Organize Your Coupons
  5. Best Online Resources
I look forward to sharing this with all of you and I truly hope it saves you some money.  


1 comment:

Carrie said...

and we appreciate you sharing the info! I've been spreading the word where I know people are open to it.

When I got married (my husband has one daughter who lives with him full time, and it was me and my 4 kids added to the family) I asked my husband to calculate how much he spent on eating each week. He said around $125. I spend about that much, sometimes less, to feed all 7 of us - and he says he's never eaten so good in all his life!

I call that success. :)


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