I've been saving my coupons from the All the Trimmings booklet and finally was able to use them today and BOY HOWDY!!! I was so excited! The Sargento shredded cheese 8 oz bags were on sale for $1.67 and had a peelie on them for $1.00 off Bertolli pasta sauce, which happened to be on BOGO this week. Plus I was able to use the FREE egg coupon WYB two Sargento cheeses. What a weird combination but I'm not one to complain about cheap food. (normally I would not have purchased so much spaghetti sauce but they had an end-cap FULL of Bertolli sauce so I didn't feel bad about taking so many -- there were at least another 50 jars left...)
(1) Brawny 2 pack paper towels $.99 (used $1.00 CVS $100 Savings booklet and $.50/1 coupon from the newspaper)
(4) Strawberry flavored Nesquick FREE
(3) Large Dozen Eggs FREE
(2) Fresh Express Salad bags $1.23 each (my printer messed up and only printed one $.55/1 coupon the other night...)
(7) Sargento Shredded cheese 8 oz bags $1.27 for 6 and $1.12 for 1
(2) Sorrento Stringsters 24 oz cheese sticks $2.99 each ($2/1 peelies on the bags)
(6) Bertolli pasta sauces $.35 each ($1/1 peelies on the Sargento cheese)
(1) Publix Hot Cocoa $.01 (mystery penny item)
(4) Immaculate Cookie Dough $1.50 each (totally forgot to clip the Store coupon from the Greenwise paper)
(2) Lipton Noodle Soup $.19 each
(2) Revlon nail clippers -$4.02 overage
(2) Musselman's applesauces $.92 each
(1) 3lb bag onions $2.79
= $26.20 OOP, saved $71.95 (73%)
1st order
(1) ALL Small & Mighty $1.99
(1) BIC Soleil Twilight 4 ct $2.99
(1) Advil PM $.99
(1) Complete Contact Lens cleaner $8.99
= $.96 OOP saving $24.20 (96%) and received $9.99, $.99, $4 ECBs
2nd order
(3) ALL Small & Mighty $1.99
- $4 ECB from 1st order
= $1.97 OOP saving $20.50 (91%)
1st order
(1) Huggies $8.99
(3) Mandarin Oranges $.39 each
(1) Complete Contact solution $7.99
(2) Lubriderm Lotion $3.99
= $10.13 OOP, saved $24.50 (71%) received $5 RR (for spending $25), $8 RR and $2 RR
Publix (shopping day 12/17/09)
(8) Kraft Shredded Cheese pouches $1.17 each
(2) Bird's Eye Frozen Peas FREE + $.11 overage
(1) Organic Valley Milk $.99 (but I think it should have been $.50)
(1) Publix gallon $1.99
(2) Sorrento cheese $.50 each
(1) Breakstone Sour Cream $.44 each
(2) Cool Whip $.20 each
(2) Philadelphia Cream Cheese $.25 each
(2) Buitoni pasta $.10 each
(4) Jones Sausage $.90 each
(6) I Can't Believe It's Not Butter $.25 each
(2) Barber Chicken $.50 each
(1) Lunchable $2.00
(1) Ritz Cracker $.55 each
(2) Mueller Pasta $.10 each
(1) No Yolks Noodles $1.99 each (using Try Me Free coupon)
(8) Del Monte Green Beans $.40 each
(2) Bush's Black Beans $.44 each (IN STORE BOGO)
(2) Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt $.24 each
2.82 lb bananas $1.95
(8) Carnation Milk FREE
(1) Rachael Ray Magazine $.24 each
(1) Wesson Oil $.85 each
= OOP $34.40 saved $99.36 (74%) (way more than I wanted to spend BUT (there's always a "but"!) how can I not get the cheese at $1.17 a bag??? Especially with baking day coming up in a few days...)
Kroger (Shopping day 12/17/09)
I try to shop at Kroger on Thursdays because they frequently run their Kroger 3 Day Sale Thursday-Saturday. I can get the week's deals along with whatever the 3 Day Sale might offer. Today, they had Mayfield Ice Cream on sale during the 3 Day Sale for $1.99, so I got one. We haven't had ice cream in so long, I can't remember the last time I bought some.
(1) Ice Cream $1.99
(4) Tennessee Pride Sausage $1.44 each
(1) Goat's Milk $2.19 (reduced)
(4) Oikos Yogurt FREE
(1) Sunny Delight $1.00
(1) Kroger Bacon $1.79
= $12.73 OOP saved $24.25 (66%)
I hope you have a great shopping week and if you get any great deals, please share so we can pick up on it too!
Check out what others are saving: Grocery Cart Challenge (Monday Shopping Round Up), Fiddledeedee Mom (Monday Publix Super Savers) , Money Saving Mom (Super Savings Saturday), I Heart Publix (Saturday Weekly Totals), Saving Our Cents (Saturday), Southern Savers (Friday Finals), Thrifty Mama (Shopping Superstars)
Wow, you sure got a lot of shopping done! Great savings too! I was able to find the coupons on the Bertolli and on the cheese, fantastic deals!
Wow, where do you live that a gallon of milk at Publix is only $1.99? In FL it's $3.19! Great savings!
@Greta - we're in the Metro Atlanta area. A week ago or so the milk was $2.49 a gallon. It's amazing how much the price can change depending on the region. Aldi had milk for $1.49 a gallon a few weeks ago and I just about freaked out and thought about buying 6 (limit was 6) and realized if I did, I'd have no room left in the fridge for anything else! :)
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